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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find some answers to frequently asked questions from our customers. Hope this page will help

What is the minimum order?

Due to the nature of the wholesale business to cover production cost, administration, picking and packing costs a charge of £50 + VAT is made on orders of less than £500 + VAT.

Are your Products Vegan or Vegetarian friendly?

Most of our cosmetic products are vegan friendly. It is actually quicker to list the ones that aren't, so please refer to the list below:

We use colours and ingredients that weren't used or tested on animals.

Is the Palm oil you use in products RSPO Certified?

AW Aromatics is committed to sustainability in the giftware and cosmetic market. We pride ourselves in our ethical manufacturer and importer status. Dealing only with members of RSPO and POIG, we want to raise awareness of good palm oil among our customers and consumers so that they can make more informed purchase choices. 

Do you sell to General Public/End Customer?

AW Aromatics is a wholesale website. We deal with trade customers only. In order to be able to see the prices of our products, you need to register your company details by creating an account on our website. We cannot disclose any prices to unregistered buyers. We need to know your full name, company name, address (delivery and invoice), contact telephone number and email address. If you do not have a company registration number or a VAT number, these can be supplied at a later date. They are not compulsory for the initial registration.

Why do you show two prices for the product online?

All prices quoted are net of VAT. We make every effort to keep the prices on our website up to date, however any changes to said prices are subject to change without notice. The prices on the website supersede any other sources. Here you can see the example on how we display the prices:

Price: is the wholesale price excluding VAT , RRP: stands for Recommended Retail Price... price what our customers should sell for. 

Can I use your pictures and content for my website or shop?

Simply put...Yes you can but... AW Aromatics grants the permission to electronically copy and/or print in hard copy portions of this website for the sole purpose of placing an order with AW Aromatics Ltd , or using this website as a shopping resource. Any other use of materials on this website (including reproduction for purposes other than those noted above, modification, distribution, or republication) without the prior written permission of AW Aromatics Ltd  is strictly prohibited.

Do you have all the necessary paperwork for your cosmetic products?

All of our products intended for cosmetic use are certified and tested as required by law, and ingredients for any of these items are available via the website and upon request.